The Home-School Learning Compact: A Promise

A major purpose of Title I is to increase the involvement of parents in a child's education. Under Title I regulations, all schools receiving Title I funds have developed a compact, an agreement between the school, the parents and students. The compact is designed to help parents, students and teachers work together to provide the best possible education for each student.

School Responsibilities

Salisbury Elementary School staff will:

  • Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the participating children to meet the State’s student academic achievement standards.

  • Hold end-of-trimester parent/guardian-teacher conferences. These conferences will be held:

  • December 9th and 10th | March 17th and 18th

  • Provide parents/guardians with frequent reports on their children’s progress. Students and parents will be provided with six formal progress reports throughout the year. These progress reports will be generated in the middle and end of each trimester.

  • Provide parents/guardians reasonable access to staff. Specifically, our staff will be available for consultation with parents/guardians at all parent conferences and as needed. We can be contacted via email or phone.

  • Provide parents/guardians opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class, and to observe classroom activities. Any parent/guardian who would like to volunteer in our school is encouraged to contact the Salisbury Elementary School office or individual teachers.

​Student Responsibilities

We, as students, will share the responsibility to improve our academic achievement and achieve the State’s high standards. Specifically, we will:

  • Complete my assignments and homework to the best of my ability and ask for help when needed.

  • Read and study math facts every day outside of school time.

  • Provide my parents with all notices and information received from my school.

  • Be a cooperative learner and try my best.

​Parent/Guardian Responsibilities

We, as parents/guardians, will support our children’s learning in the following ways:

  • Monitor my child’s attendance and ensure that they are in school every day when they are healthy.
  • Participate in school events and/or volunteer in my child’s school.
  • Monitor assignments and encourage homework completion.
  • Participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to my children’s education
  • Stay informed about my child’s education and communicate with the school by reading all notices from the school or the school district either received by my child or by mail and responding, as appropriate.